The Order of Contemporary Benedictines is a non-residential monastic community formed around the Rule of St. Benedict. Our main intent is the creation of a personal relationship with God through prayer, study and application of monastic discipline through the assumption of vows. Guided by that direct and personal relationship, our monastics develop their own public ministries as expressions of their love of God and neighbor.
- To promote and foster a spiritual community of lay and clergy within and beyond the walls of the church.
- To encourage and empower the work of ministry to God's people.
- To support those who engage in ministries within and outside the church.
- To establish a community of prayer for the world, the community and one another.
- To practice the art of lectio divina (the holy reading of scripture devised by St. Benedict) as a form of prayer to develop one's own spiritual life and to further their journey toward God.
- To assist members of the community to create in their lives a balance of prayer, work and study as proposed by St. Benedict.
It will be understood that this community will not be a cloistered community living, working and praying together, but will be a "monastery without walls" made up of members who do not live together - but who are together in living for God, who do not work together - but who are together in serving God, and who are not always able to pray together - but who are always together in the spirit of prayer. The ultimate goal of this community will be to join with all the saints and hosts of heaven to forever sing:
- To promote and foster a spiritual community of lay and clergy within and beyond the walls of the church.
- To encourage and empower the work of ministry to God's people.
- To support those who engage in ministries within and outside the church.
- To establish a community of prayer for the world, the community and one another.
- To practice the art of lectio divina (the holy reading of scripture devised by St. Benedict) as a form of prayer to develop one's own spiritual life and to further their journey toward God.
- To assist members of the community to create in their lives a balance of prayer, work and study as proposed by St. Benedict.
It will be understood that this community will not be a cloistered community living, working and praying together, but will be a "monastery without walls" made up of members who do not live together - but who are together in living for God, who do not work together - but who are together in serving God, and who are not always able to pray together - but who are always together in the spirit of prayer. The ultimate goal of this community will be to join with all the saints and hosts of heaven to forever sing:
Holy, Holy, Holy
Lord God of power and might
Heaven and earth are full of your glory
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest!
Lord God of power and might
Heaven and earth are full of your glory
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest!